
Unrolling dental floss endlessly, wrapping it around my neck, decorating the christmas tree, letting the robins build a nest with it

lacing it through my fingers and toes

the Edward Burtinsky photography exhibit- row upon row of cement barriers manufactured to reinforce seawalls and i'm thinking, it all came from here, we haven't imported a thing

we made stuff from stuff- i'm ruined completely

just using the materials we have FROM earth and by earth it was all here and we are building the earth we deserve frankly

i can not stop with my dental floss and toilet paper and saran wrap

an infomercial for disposible cutting boards, ziplock bags, those little cotton circles i pour toner onto, the dollar store garbage bags, my confession

the body shop with 1% natural ingredients only, apparently, i want my childhood back, peppermint foot cream, little vials of single note perfume oils, "sunset red" henna, my god, it's permanent, tea rose eau de toilette

kissing coolers, clear chocolate lip gloss, sneaking orange/red lipstick to school, blue eyeliner

count chocula, fruity marshmallow krispies, viva puffs, half moons, jos louis, hostess cupcakes, wagon wheels, flakies, locked my keys in the car

du maurier special mild, du maurier menthol, rockaberry coolers, sea breezes

pulling out EXTRA soft kleenexes by the dozens and letting them rain down

bricks of orange cheese, catalina dressing, russian, french, ranch, creamy cucumber! Zesty-mother-fucking-Italian

canned spaghetti sauce, kraft single slices, kraft parmesan "cheese", kraft dinner, cheese whiz, gettin' the hungries good

chef-boyardee, flakes of ham, flakes of chicken, that spine in the center of a canned salmon

nail polish remover, rubbing alcohol, baby oil, hawaiian tropic, sun-in

spray sprunch, mousse, dippity do, FINAL net

drakkor noir, united colors of bennetton, grass by the gap, dream by the gap, byyyyy mennon

extra long life, miniwheats, my pet monster, my buddy, MY little pony

one roll of floss ends and another begins