at the end of the day at the end of the day
at the end of the day at the end of the day
at the end of the day at the end of the day
at the end of the day at the end of the day
at the end of the day at the end of the day
at the end of the day at the end of the day
at the end of the day at the end of the day
i.t.s. j.u.s.t. t.h.e. e.n.d. o.f. t.h.e. d.a.y.
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a e e d e a a
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A. We better not let the grass grow long on this one.
B. Don't worry, I'm getting my ducks in a row.
A. But the grass- it's getting very long.
B. Listen, my ducks were scattered all over the place earlier this week. But now, they are almost lined up in a perfect row formation.
A. Well, if that grass gets any longer, I don't know what's going to happen. Something bad.
B. Once I get those ducks in a line, it's all going to be okay. You'll see.
A. Right. I've just never seen grass this high before. It keeps me up at night.
B. I've also lost sleep thinking about those damn randomly placed ducks I tell you.
A. Fine, just don't let the grass grow long on this one.
Are we 110%?
Are we 110% and on the same page?
Are we 110%, on the same page and transparent?
Are we 110%, on the same page, transparent and authentic?
Are we 110%, on the same page, transparent, authentic and going forward?
Are we 110%, on the same page, transparent, authentic, going forward and giving two fucks?
That being said, I want you to pick the low hanging fruit.
Pick the low hanging fruit and tell a story about it.
Tell a story about the fruit that will shift our paradigms and change the way we all see things.
Disseminate that fruit in a strategic way.
Blog about the fruit, leave the comment section unmoderated.